- math facts sample sheet sent home this week,contains all of the math fact questions on tomorrow's Min. Math Quiz. Consider quizzing them for 60 seconds.Have child identify unanswered question and incorrect answers. Then do those questions again.
- handwriting--please remind child to make "one" without the little hood.It's just a line.No.4 is written with an L and then a line. Some have been making it look almost like a 9.
- The math vocabulary words are: addends (the numbers in an addition problem), sum, place value( the ones place or the tens place ..in 68,6 is in the one's place and 8 in the ten's place), numeral,digit,column, row,number sentence(6+4=9).
- We'll do a review of punctuation rules we've learned.No capital letters in the middle of a word or sentence. Capitals for: I, and names. Period at the end of a sentence.
- Thanks. F.Y.I. The first day of Autumn is on Thursday. We'll be having a Natualist to discuss trees on Thursday afternoon,October 7th.
- Chag Samech
- We'll be eating in the Sukkah next Tues. and Wed.
- Sukkah Hop for us,next Tues.first thing in the morning. Did you send in your permission slip and $8.00?
- Ask about the story we read today "Do Unto Otters"..lots of word play and information on polite behavior. Set up a situation at home between you and another family member...comment that the behavior was very "considerate". Note how "polite" someone is when they look you in the eye when you are speaking to it.
4 years ago