Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Family meeting place,vocabulary &math min. test

  • math minute test tomorrow on speed in ones and twos,then we move on
  • I'll show them some math flash card games,but the children love to make up their own,perhaps you can design some together,write down the rules.We'll play it in class.
  • math vocabulary quiz includes review words and concepts:columns,rows,diagonal,horizontal,vertical,addend,sum,number sentence,pattern, addition sign
  • Next week is Fire Prevention Week.The firetruck will be coming in the middle of the week. We'll do some reinforcement of this fire-safety lesson again later in the spring.
  • Homework will request each child to state the family "safe meeting place",in case of a fire.for example(We'll meet by the tree across the street, at the big rock on the corner". It's not a good idea to meet at a neighbor as perhaps no one is at home."
  • We may wish to have them check the family fire alarm and fire extinguisher.
  • Later,this month,the policemen from The S.A.F.E. Unit will discuss safety. Children will be expected to know : full family name,parent(s) first name, phone numbers, address.
  • today,small reading groups met read from Houghto Miffilin reading series
  • read math story problem from Big Book
  • ate in the sukkah at school and went visited sukkah at: Rodfei Sholom and Temple Beth El,will eat again in the J.C.C. sukkah tomorrow
  • A Naturalist will also visit next week as we discuss the science of trees and fall.