Friday, September 3, 2010

From Mrs. Bass desk-Judaic class

This week the first grades practice reading the alef-Beit (א-ב). We went over Kamatz(קמץ) and Patach(פתח) vowels.
Walso learned about Rosh Hashana(חג ראש השנה) holiday and it's customs. If you have time you can ask them the following questions:

What does Rosh means? Head
What is Shanah? Year
What is Machzor? A book that we use for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
What are the Three things we do more When the month of Elul starts? Tfilah ,Tshuvah ,Tzdakkah.
What is Teshuvah?
Who do we need to ask for forgiveness? G-d, Other people we hurt.
Who are we crowning on Rosh Hashanah? G-d How many Types of shofar Blowing are there?four
Tekia(תקיעה)-one blow
Tekiah gdolah(תקיעה גדולה)-one long one.
I'm proud of all of the class. I think that they learned so much in a short time.
Since at this time of the year, we are supposed to give more Tzedakkah, I was wondering if you can send with your child a bag with pennies to school which they will give for tzedakkah every day.

I wish you a Shabbat Shalom And a very happy and healthy year!
שנה טובה!