Friday, September 3, 2010

Oakes,& Feinberg speak,graph,inventions

  • community helpers speakers this week: Ms. Colleen (councelor), Howard Feinberg, Head of Jewish Federation, Mrs. Oakes: of Head of School...lot of talking Heads ( I couldn't resist,sorry)
  • sorted and graphed data using pictograph and bar graph,noted highest and lowest temp.
  • briefly discussed Wind Power..moving air..turned on fan to show effect of moving air,Beauford Scale measuring wind velocity and labeling it,also put class rain gauge in front of school near entrance.It says,"Save Water".
  • applied real life use of phonics rule: /c/ before "e,i, and y" say "s".... otherwise it makes the sound of "k".Noted how word "cyclone" uses both principals....discussed briefly Cyclone,hurricane.found the East Coast of the U.S.,spoke of Hurricane Earl.
  • designed and discussed Labor Saving inventions. Children drew labor saving devices they would like to see. Some included: an automatic Breakfast Maker...put in the toast,waffles,eggs..a complete breakfast comes out of the other side. ...A Junk Food Maker, , a Does Everything want a toy? It delivers. An Automatic Table-setter,drop in the plates, forks,knives, spoons and sets the table, most favored: The Automatic Homework Machine...drop in homework,it comes out completed,graded,dated and with a star!
  • In conjunctions with Rosh Hashana: read books from the Science Table about various kinds of bees,body parts,purpose,value in nature...class making a Buzzy Bee Book....hope to bring home next week.
  • worked on skip counting,reading simple graph,first experience with two min. timed math quiz...goal to assess skills,focus,attention,motivation,knowledge of math facts.speeed of retrieval...noted lots of finger counting (typical for age)
  • worked on correct body position for writing...slant of paper,one hand writes while other holds paper....much use of second hand to hold up head...I assured them that if they used the non-writing hand to hold down the paper I would catch their head if it rolled off due to lack of getting better.
  • encouraging capital letter at start of sentence and when naming someone or something.remainder of word gets lower case letter.
  • working on self assessment and correction( if you know you make two,three and "b" backward,be aware....fix it but first get your thoughts onto the paper). ...evidence of growing awareness of personal reversals. The message sent was: erasers are a way of saying"Wait,I found a better answer."
  • sent nice Thank You notes to speakers.

This is not all inclusive.If you're lucky your child may share more information such as some of the jobs and places that Jewish Federation helps around the world and in the U.S.

Please see some completed papers sent home in the Take Home Folders. Sign,review,some pages require completion. I didn't give grade,only made observations.

  • the Job Interviews were great fun to read. I'll put them on the wall outside the room,once they color the front page......hope you enjoyed the interview.

Coming Attractions

  • For those compulsive people who like to plan ahead(that's me): solidified Field Trip dates thus far are:
  • Oct. 14th @2:30 to 3:30-trip to Cody Library...Yes,it is BookFair week.
  • Feb. 2- 2:00 to 2:45 McNay Art Museum(Art and Geometry)
  • April- 9:00 -11:45 Wittee Museum--Solids,Liquids and Gas plus Tx.Wildlife..characteristics,defenses,etc. This is scheduled for the day after Siddur Dedication in case a grandparent or visitor would like to go too.

Not yet firm: March 24 @ 2:30 trip to H.E.B. Alon Market Place...Food Pyramid,processed foods vs. natural foods,translating food value labels

One more trip possible but still in the works...

Remember,dates and times can change...more details as trips draw near.Drivers will be needed.

Guest Speakers in Oct. :

Children's Librarian from Cody Tuesday before our trip

Policemen from S.A.F.E. Unit

and Firetruck for Fire Safety working to see if another branch of Fire Safety Unitback in service...

Next Week

  • Counselor discusses topic of Bullying on Tues.
  • Brief Rosh Hashanah program Wed. morning
  • Discussion of life cycle of Apple tree
  • Folktale: Johnny Appleseed
  • Brief Video: A Trip to an Apple Orchard
  • if time: Fluffy Visits an Apple Orchard...and gets into mischief. You should hear the giggles at this narcissistic little guinea pig...all Id ......unbeknownst to the listeners lots of information about apples, orchards,the season are embedded in the chapters.

Have a lovely restful Shabbat,Sunday and Labor Day break...,remember to read to each other,skip count,talk,listen, andtake a walk together....,just the two of you.Savor this time.It's luscious.