- math homework reviews odd/even,adding doubles,reviews left/right and seasons.
- paste the final product onto the colored paper,for fun,see if someone in the family can read the glyph. Discuss how you would make yours,or a siblings or grandparent. It's good math review. Artists may choose to make or trace the scarecrow and make several.
- review the meaning of: compound word as in" scarecrow". How many more can they think of? If concept appears unstable,give examples: "Butterfly is a compound word. What are the two words? What about rainbow? etc.
- point out compound words in tonight's reading as well as the review of "er" sounds as in:ur-nurse,er-her,or,work. Can you find another example?
- the words in today's vocabulary book,Wordly Wise are: peak liquid,shallow deep, compass, clear , flash , paddle ,.swift and wild.
- Be clever parents and use them in some sentences. They may touch the nose every time the word is said. It's a fun activity that aids in hearing specific words embedded in a sentence...a valuable skill for listening,focusing and attending.See the notice included in your homework packet on the Keep at Home side. The Consititution was sign on Sept. 17....several years ago. Ask if one remembers how many years ago( I did the math) and/or the year it was signed. We briefly discussed The Bill of Rights...how different and lucky we are to be able to vote and choose our leaders,to practice our religion and have some free speech..within reason.
- The homework is to write at least three rights and responsibities that one has at home. We charted some rights and responsibilites in the class and will sign our big Bill of Rights tomorrow (ah,where does the time go,when we're having a good discussion?).
- Tomorrow,I'll read a charming book explaining the "fancy wording" such as"freedom of speech".It's sinmplistic,but one can begin to appreciate our history and how lucky we are to have these freedoms. Some did remember The Redcoats,and who won the Revolutionary War.
- Next month, we celebrate the unveiling of The Statue of Liberty.
- On Sept. 28, we'll have a science lesson from a Naturalist,who will help us learn about parts of the tree (as we learned about parts of the insect,last week....see the Buzzy Bee book,coming home this week)
- review skip counting,making tally marks,and speed in addition using doubles ( 2+2.,8+8). If your child is quick with these,try doubles such as 24 + 24. Remember,we aren't into carrying with the understanding of place value yet. We're just beginning to discuss and apply ones and tens place.
- worked on our S.M.I.L.E.S. writing program,choosing who and what we'd like to write about...tomorrow it's "where" and" when".
- dis some serious work in Handwriting Bbook..reminded all that letters and numbers touch"the ceiling and the floor". Forming the tricky number 8 was finally conquered by most.
- Snowmen 8 are no longer acceptable.
- Keep in touch whenever you feel a need.
- Listen to reading tonight. Mark it down.
- Consider beginning a series or chapter book,to read or have read. Ask "Who is in the story?What happened?" Watch for the correct sequence in retelling: beginning,middle and end.
4 years ago