- That means you should please continue to :
- listen to child reading aloud to you nightly
- When you read to your child it increases vocabulary and as one of the children wrote this morning''increases the cuddlies".
- learn the math facts ones and twos....so well that 25 facts can be answered correctly in 60 seconds. Try it with flash cards.
- no written homework this week ,but we are working identifying patterns. Write numbers at least 50 ,color in a pattern(counting by threes,or sevens or whatever). See if they can identify the pattern.Also ask how they knew the answer...Show your headwork.
- We'll be talking about fall. Find some fall poems,notice any leaves turning colors,look at the weather change.
- We'll be looking at the weather map in U.S.A. Today ,comparing it with August.
- We listened to Vivaldi's: Four Seasons.(only Autumn)
- Sukkah Hop tomorrow...we'll be back for math etc. @ 10:15.Try to be on time for the big bus.
- Keep in touch,send news,questions,itechniques you've devised to a teach a concept,variations on the lesson themes.
4 years ago