Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Grade Art

First grade reviewed how artists have painted portraits throughout art history and then drew their own self portraits. They did an awesome job!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Family meeting place,vocabulary &math min. test

  • math minute test tomorrow on speed in ones and twos,then we move on
  • I'll show them some math flash card games,but the children love to make up their own,perhaps you can design some together,write down the rules.We'll play it in class.
  • math vocabulary quiz includes review words and concepts:columns,rows,diagonal,horizontal,vertical,addend,sum,number sentence,pattern, addition sign
  • Next week is Fire Prevention Week.The firetruck will be coming in the middle of the week. We'll do some reinforcement of this fire-safety lesson again later in the spring.
  • Homework will request each child to state the family "safe meeting place",in case of a fire.for example(We'll meet by the tree across the street, at the big rock on the corner". It's not a good idea to meet at a neighbor as perhaps no one is at home."
  • We may wish to have them check the family fire alarm and fire extinguisher.
  • Later,this month,the policemen from The S.A.F.E. Unit will discuss safety. Children will be expected to know : full family name,parent(s) first name, phone numbers, address.
  • today,small reading groups met read from Houghto Miffilin reading series
  • read math story problem from Big Book
  • ate in the sukkah at school and went visited sukkah at: Rodfei Sholom and Temple Beth El,will eat again in the J.C.C. sukkah tomorrow
  • A Naturalist will also visit next week as we discuss the science of trees and fall.

Monday, September 27, 2010

due to Sukkot,no paper homework...but wait!

  • That means you should please continue to :
  • listen to child reading aloud to you nightly
  • When you read to your child it increases vocabulary and as one of the children wrote this morning''increases the cuddlies".
  • learn the math facts ones and well that 25 facts can be answered correctly in 60 seconds. Try it with flash cards.
  • no written homework this week ,but we are working identifying patterns. Write numbers at least 50 ,color in a pattern(counting by threes,or sevens or whatever). See if they can identify the pattern.Also ask how they knew the answer...Show your headwork.
  • We'll be talking about fall. Find some fall poems,notice any leaves turning colors,look at the weather change.
  • We'll be looking at the weather map in U.S.A. Today ,comparing it with August.
  • We listened to Vivaldi's: Four Seasons.(only Autumn)
  • Sukkah Hop tomorrow...we'll be back for math etc. @ 10:15.Try to be on time for the big bus.
  • Keep in touch,send news,questions,itechniques you've devised to a teach a concept,variations on the lesson themes.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Whoops!! Sorry about the math missprint.

I'll review this with the children this morning,in case there was a heated discussion last evening about place value.

in 68 ...the 8 is in ones place and the 6 in the tens place.

I apologize for not catching that error,as well as that of the final pronoun.

I guess that's the reason publishers created proofreaders.

Thanks for understanding.

My goal is to get the information to you, sometimes, that makes for typing errors.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

tomorrow:Math Min.Quiz,Math Voc. Quiz,

  • math facts sample sheet sent home this week,contains all of the math fact questions on tomorrow's Min. Math Quiz. Consider quizzing them for 60 seconds.Have child identify unanswered question and incorrect answers. Then do those questions again.
  • handwriting--please remind child to make "one" without the little hood.It's just a line.No.4 is written with an L and then a line. Some have been making it look almost like a 9.
  • The math vocabulary words are: addends (the numbers in an addition problem), sum, place value( the ones place or the tens place 68,6 is in the one's place and 8 in the ten's place), numeral,digit,column, row,number sentence(6+4=9).
  • We'll do a review of punctuation rules we've learned.No capital letters in the middle of a word or sentence. Capitals for: I, and names. Period at the end of a sentence.
  • Thanks. F.Y.I. The first day of Autumn is on Thursday. We'll be having a Natualist to discuss trees on Thursday afternoon,October 7th.
  • Chag Samech
  • We'll be eating in the Sukkah next Tues. and Wed.
  • Sukkah Hop for us,next Tues.first thing in the morning. Did you send in your permission slip and $8.00?
  • Ask about the story we read today "Do Unto Otters"..lots of word play and information on polite behavior. Set up a situation at home between you and another family member...comment that the behavior was very "considerate". Note how "polite" someone is when they look you in the eye when you are speaking to it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

homework due Wednesday

  • worked on the difficult concept column and row in math.
  • reviewing old information and adding "how many more"
  • Math Vocabulary was :column and row
  • assessed language arts voc.word in Wordly Wise
  • reviewed phonogram cards
  • wrote in journal
  • poem sent home reviewing Wordly Wise words
  • Math Min. quiz sent home today....sample of questions with homework. You may wish to make copies or after do flash cards,give a one min. quiz.
  • working on staying on topic in writing program: S.M.I.L.E.S.
  • remember to keep in touch with me. Life is dynamic.Children are dynamic .We sometimes have to alter make a course correction to reach our goal. Keep me informed and I'll do the same. Be well.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hebrew and judaics


We are now working on the High Holidays and using our Shanah Tovah books. We are discussing the concepts of forgiveness and the meaning of a fast day. We talked about the Kol Nidrei- the beautiful part of the service of Yom Kippur. The children heard the story that is being read on Yom Kippur : :"Yonah And The People Of Ninivah . We practiced an old ritual called "Kaparot", using a dollar bill and recited the appropriate words.The money will go toward tzdakah. In Hebrew class, we are about to finish the letter Bet. The dictation test will be given next week. Thank you all for signing the homework and for your cooperation. Shanah Tovah and Chatima Tovah. Ayelet Kboudi.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

math min.quiz tomorrow, sight word list coming soon.

  • for those who ,last night,did not count back from at least 100 , homework tonight will require them to count back from a higher number. This is a necessary skill for subtraction.
  • see the Agenda for child specific homework requests.
  • Math Minute quiz tomorrow .The last one administered was actually given within a two min.window. Tomorrow's quiz should be easy: adding 1's and 2's (2+8) etc. Facts up to and including twelve are expected.(12+1). You may wish to review these facts tonight.
  • any questions with The Bill of Rights (and responsibilities) homework? If you have any questions please ask. Examples and explanation may be found in the Keep an Home Folder.What do you the parent give me ...what are my responsibilities?
  • Within the next week or so you will be recieving a copy of The Dolch List and /or other most frequently used words for the early reader. Lists will be child specific.
  • We'll practice writing words on flash cards. The goal, increasing reading fluency, is to quickly identify these most frequently used words. Sounding out word is still a useful and encouraged skill also but these should be automatic. Errors often occur at the end of the word,as the child ususally sounds out the first few letters and does a "guessing job" for the rest of it.
  • Today's phonograms reviewed the :er sounds and the "ti,ci, " combinations which create the sound of "sh" as in "special","city",or "constitution".
  • When reading this evening, see if any of these combinations can be cited.(couldn't resist)
  • Ask what some of the vocabulary words were in Wordly Wise. We did some nose touching as the story was re -read.
  • When reading tonight,please reinforce the key ideas used in our S.M.I.L.E.S. writing program. Can the child tell : who is in the story, what happened,when did it happen, where did it take place.
  • Thanks for all of your work at home. It is greatly appreciated and helps reinforce class lessons.

From Mrs. Bass Desk

This week the first graders are working on making a big book for Yom Kippur. They are doing great and having fun. Please remember to send with your child:
1. A dollar for Kapparot that will take place tomorrow.
2. An apple or a lemon- we are going to decorate it for Yom Kippur.

“Gmar Chatimah Tova” to all!

Mrs. Bass

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bill of Rights,odd or even,capital and small letters

  • math homework reviews odd/even,adding doubles,reviews left/right and seasons.
  • paste the final product onto the colored paper,for fun,see if someone in the family can read the glyph. Discuss how you would make yours,or a siblings or grandparent. It's good math review. Artists may choose to make or trace the scarecrow and make several.
  • review the meaning of: compound word as in" scarecrow". How many more can they think of? If concept appears unstable,give examples: "Butterfly is a compound word. What are the two words? What about rainbow? etc.
  • point out compound words in tonight's reading as well as the review of "er" sounds as in:ur-nurse,er-her,or,work. Can you find another example?
  • the words in today's vocabulary book,Wordly Wise are: peak liquid,shallow deep, compass, clear , flash , paddle ,.swift and wild.
  • Be clever parents and use them in some sentences. They may touch the nose every time the word is said. It's a fun activity that aids in hearing specific words embedded in a sentence...a valuable skill for listening,focusing and attending.See the notice included in your homework packet on the Keep at Home side. The Consititution was sign on Sept. 17....several years ago. Ask if one remembers how many years ago( I did the math) and/or the year it was signed. We briefly discussed The Bill of different and lucky we are to be able to vote and choose our leaders,to practice our religion and have some free speech..within reason.
  • The homework is to write at least three rights and responsibities that one has at home. We charted some rights and responsibilites in the class and will sign our big Bill of Rights tomorrow (ah,where does the time go,when we're having a good discussion?).
  • Tomorrow,I'll read a charming book explaining the "fancy wording" such as"freedom of speech".It's sinmplistic,but one can begin to appreciate our history and how lucky we are to have these freedoms. Some did remember The Redcoats,and who won the Revolutionary War.
  • Next month, we celebrate the unveiling of The Statue of Liberty.
  • On Sept. 28, we'll have a science lesson from a Naturalist,who will help us learn about parts of the tree (as we learned about parts of the insect,last week....see the Buzzy Bee book,coming home this week)
  • review skip counting,making tally marks,and speed in addition using doubles ( 2+2.,8+8). If your child is quick with these,try doubles such as 24 + 24. Remember,we aren't into carrying with the understanding of place value yet. We're just beginning to discuss and apply ones and tens place.
  • worked on our S.M.I.L.E.S. writing program,choosing who and what we'd like to write about...tomorrow it's "where" and" when".
  • dis some serious work in Handwriting Bbook..reminded all that letters and numbers touch"the ceiling and the floor". Forming the tricky number 8 was finally conquered by most.
  • Snowmen 8 are no longer acceptable.
  • Keep in touch whenever you feel a need.
  • Listen to reading tonight. Mark it down.
  • Consider beginning a series or chapter book,to read or have read. Ask "Who is in the story?What happened?" Watch for the correct sequence in retelling: beginning,middle and end.

First Grade Art

The annual student artwork fundraiser is here! Students were very busy cutting and pasting their colorful creations together today.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

Today we continued developing beat/rhythm with a rhyme called "Apples, Peaches, Pears, and Plums." We also began learning the call/response song "Down By the Bay."

Friday, September 3, 2010

Oakes,& Feinberg speak,graph,inventions

  • community helpers speakers this week: Ms. Colleen (councelor), Howard Feinberg, Head of Jewish Federation, Mrs. Oakes: of Head of School...lot of talking Heads ( I couldn't resist,sorry)
  • sorted and graphed data using pictograph and bar graph,noted highest and lowest temp.
  • briefly discussed Wind Power..moving air..turned on fan to show effect of moving air,Beauford Scale measuring wind velocity and labeling it,also put class rain gauge in front of school near entrance.It says,"Save Water".
  • applied real life use of phonics rule: /c/ before "e,i, and y" say "s".... otherwise it makes the sound of "k".Noted how word "cyclone" uses both principals....discussed briefly Cyclone,hurricane.found the East Coast of the U.S.,spoke of Hurricane Earl.
  • designed and discussed Labor Saving inventions. Children drew labor saving devices they would like to see. Some included: an automatic Breakfast Maker...put in the toast,waffles,eggs..a complete breakfast comes out of the other side. ...A Junk Food Maker, , a Does Everything want a toy? It delivers. An Automatic Table-setter,drop in the plates, forks,knives, spoons and sets the table, most favored: The Automatic Homework Machine...drop in homework,it comes out completed,graded,dated and with a star!
  • In conjunctions with Rosh Hashana: read books from the Science Table about various kinds of bees,body parts,purpose,value in nature...class making a Buzzy Bee Book....hope to bring home next week.
  • worked on skip counting,reading simple graph,first experience with two min. timed math quiz...goal to assess skills,focus,attention,motivation,knowledge of math facts.speeed of retrieval...noted lots of finger counting (typical for age)
  • worked on correct body position for writing...slant of paper,one hand writes while other holds paper....much use of second hand to hold up head...I assured them that if they used the non-writing hand to hold down the paper I would catch their head if it rolled off due to lack of getting better.
  • encouraging capital letter at start of sentence and when naming someone or something.remainder of word gets lower case letter.
  • working on self assessment and correction( if you know you make two,three and "b" backward,be aware....fix it but first get your thoughts onto the paper). ...evidence of growing awareness of personal reversals. The message sent was: erasers are a way of saying"Wait,I found a better answer."
  • sent nice Thank You notes to speakers.

This is not all inclusive.If you're lucky your child may share more information such as some of the jobs and places that Jewish Federation helps around the world and in the U.S.

Please see some completed papers sent home in the Take Home Folders. Sign,review,some pages require completion. I didn't give grade,only made observations.

  • the Job Interviews were great fun to read. I'll put them on the wall outside the room,once they color the front page......hope you enjoyed the interview.

Coming Attractions

  • For those compulsive people who like to plan ahead(that's me): solidified Field Trip dates thus far are:
  • Oct. 14th @2:30 to 3:30-trip to Cody Library...Yes,it is BookFair week.
  • Feb. 2- 2:00 to 2:45 McNay Art Museum(Art and Geometry)
  • April- 9:00 -11:45 Wittee Museum--Solids,Liquids and Gas plus Tx.Wildlife..characteristics,defenses,etc. This is scheduled for the day after Siddur Dedication in case a grandparent or visitor would like to go too.

Not yet firm: March 24 @ 2:30 trip to H.E.B. Alon Market Place...Food Pyramid,processed foods vs. natural foods,translating food value labels

One more trip possible but still in the works...

Remember,dates and times can change...more details as trips draw near.Drivers will be needed.

Guest Speakers in Oct. :

Children's Librarian from Cody Tuesday before our trip

Policemen from S.A.F.E. Unit

and Firetruck for Fire Safety working to see if another branch of Fire Safety Unitback in service...

Next Week

  • Counselor discusses topic of Bullying on Tues.
  • Brief Rosh Hashanah program Wed. morning
  • Discussion of life cycle of Apple tree
  • Folktale: Johnny Appleseed
  • Brief Video: A Trip to an Apple Orchard
  • if time: Fluffy Visits an Apple Orchard...and gets into mischief. You should hear the giggles at this narcissistic little guinea pig...all Id ......unbeknownst to the listeners lots of information about apples, orchards,the season are embedded in the chapters.

Have a lovely restful Shabbat,Sunday and Labor Day break...,remember to read to each other,skip count,talk,listen, andtake a walk together....,just the two of you.Savor this time.It's luscious.

From Mrs. Bass desk-Judaic class

This week the first grades practice reading the alef-Beit (א-ב). We went over Kamatz(קמץ) and Patach(פתח) vowels.
Walso learned about Rosh Hashana(חג ראש השנה) holiday and it's customs. If you have time you can ask them the following questions:

What does Rosh means? Head
What is Shanah? Year
What is Machzor? A book that we use for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
What are the Three things we do more When the month of Elul starts? Tfilah ,Tshuvah ,Tzdakkah.
What is Teshuvah?
Who do we need to ask for forgiveness? G-d, Other people we hurt.
Who are we crowning on Rosh Hashanah? G-d How many Types of shofar Blowing are there?four
Tekia(תקיעה)-one blow
Tekiah gdolah(תקיעה גדולה)-one long one.
I'm proud of all of the class. I think that they learned so much in a short time.
Since at this time of the year, we are supposed to give more Tzedakkah, I was wondering if you can send with your child a bag with pennies to school which they will give for tzedakkah every day.

I wish you a Shabbat Shalom And a very happy and healthy year!
שנה טובה!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

Tuesday in music, we focused on music with a steady beat, and music that doesn't seem to have a beat at all. Our favorite activity featured a fun rhyme called "Windshield Wipers."

Notes from Computer Lab

First graders explored 20 different options of the paintbrush with the splotch options. We had the opportunity to look at each other's creations.

You would be proud of how well your children listened and followed directions.