Monday, October 25, 2010

math doubles +1,dress for season on Fri.,campaign poster

  • On Fri.we'll complete the unit on seasons.Weather data collection and interpreting is ongoing as we note U.S.A. Today weather maps each month,increase our graphing,note patterns and actually follow,via the weather map,the cycle of seasons.
  • Children will demonstrate their knowledge of a season,by dressing appropriately for the season on Friday morning. They will bring the change of clothes in a bag wearing the usual Shabbat uniform,until we pose for the season photos. Props may be brought. Let your child be the lead. Visit the closet,find pictures.Reasonable props may be brought along with seasonal clothing. Some have brought sunglasses for summer,a plastic flower for spring etc. Each child will be one season. We drew lots. See the Homework folder for details.
  • had a cumulative quiz for unit one in math journal. Assessment was based on competence in math skill. Reading challenges were attended to. Children did well. We'll do a fun prediction and charting task tomorrow then move onto the next unit .
  • Copying from the board is a necessary skill in first grade.Everyone is getting better. We'll complete chosen pages in our Handwriting book this week. Spelling begins the second quarter. In a future blog,I'll give you a list of things to be aware of when assessing handwriting: slant,spacing between words,where on the line,etc.
  • We're having an election on Nov. 2nd. We'll be voting on the name for out Yam. Children may design campaign posters. The list of candidates are in their Agendas. Remind them that they must write the candidates name on the poster. See the Keep at Home section on their Homework Folders.
  • worked on making a book about the library Field Trip. I'm getting less flack about requiring as many sentences as one's age.Only one "and"is allowed sentence.
  • Scholastic News discusses animal adaptations.
  • We'll read the history of The Statue of Liberty, it's origins,how it was made, the celebration etc.

What Can I Do?

  • Listen to your child read to you aloud to you tonight. Say: Tell me everything you remember. Focus on Beginning,Middle and End of story. What happened first? Where did it take place? What does the title of the story tell you about what you are about to read? Is there a topic sentence that tell you about what will be read? Consider reading non-fiction material as well as fiction.
  • Do math facts with flash cards. Focus on doubles,then doubles plus one, go back to addition facts of twos,threes,fours..
  • This Week
  • Review and assess science unit on interdependence of nature...plants,animals,us.
  • Thursday: Ms. Colleen,our school councelor,will visit and speak with us at 2:30
  • Thursday: We'll celebrate the anniversary of the unveiling of The Statue of Liberty.
  • Friday: Dress for the Season

Next Tues. Election day in class...Mon.they receive their Voter Registration Cards.If there's a tie,we'll have a run off election. We'll be reading about voting etc. in our Social Studies book .