Wednesday, October 6, 2010

fire safety major review today,Sept. weather graph,

  • Fire chief Chiam Farfel visited,called on children asking fire safety questionsLater he explained what qualified him to be a hand and rod puppet.

  • listened to stories about fire safety gear,various safety rescue vehicles including:airport,fire,E.M.S.,forest,and Command Center Trucks.

  • crawled on floor showing how we would exit burning building,discussed smoke rises,how to feel the door for heat...learned palm of hand more sensitive,use back of hand

  • translated weather datat collected during Sept.onto bar and pictographs
  • learned about a map Key or Legend...found it on two big class maps & on Sept.U.S.A. today weather map.

  • noted pattern of temp. going down,reading map key as guide found lowest and highest in U.S.A.

  • getting better at finding and making patterns in Math Journal

  • new words in Wordily Wise: desert, stump, bend,temperature,National Park,Forest Ranger

  • discussed job of forest ranger and Petrified Trees in that came to be.

  • importance of air for fire and for trees,living things

Naturalist scheduled to come this week...will continue discussion on trees, what makes a leaf green,its purpose,why does it change colors,what can red in a leaf signify, where do the creatures go in the winter.What role does the tree,its leaves and bark play in protecting the animals and bugs who rest during the upcoming winter.

  • Discussed natures interaction and interdependence with its creatures: big,small,plants,animals.

  • The firetruck came today.
  • If you come for Kabbalat Shabbat,do look at our Time Line,the history of the First Grade,Class of 2010-2011. This is a great way for the children to get a sense of History,before,between,after,beginning,middle, we got to this point.
  • Look for the Parent Permission Slip for our Field Trip to The Cody Library in a few weeks.
  • If you'd like to get your child their own library,you'll need to bring some identification. More details later. They will be allowed to check out books,but NO D.V.D.s this visit...sorry.
  • I Want To Participate. What Can I Do?

  • review math facts with flash cards using only ones,twos,threes. Make up games. How many can you get in 30 seconds? Can you do 5? How about 8? Everytime you get 10 correct in 30 seconds you may take one step forward toward the refrigerator which contains something you like.....or the box on the table which has a game/toy/whatever.
  • Have you child and you make up a game a game board...anyway to take the tedium out of memorizing math facts.
  • look for patterns in math,poems,around the house,in clothing....
  • review safety info. ...meeting place,phone numbers,full name,parents name,addresses, resource people and how to reach them.
  • listen to them read aloud to you.We discussed:gn,ti,si,ture,ing today. Point them out when you find those words.
  • skip count beginning mid stream...maybe at 15 ...count by 5s,10s,2s to a designated no. up to or beyond 100. Listen for errors at the decade mark.If numbers mastered,count by 3's then 4s...see how that will help with future math doubles(6+6,9+9).
  • count backward from 100.
  • retell what happened at order...First,second,third,...then,after that,finally in the end. Helps organize thoughts....good for story and expository writing.
  • Ask one thing they learned today that they didn't know before and that they think you won't know.
  • enjoy....they are such a delight.