Monday, October 18, 2010

Field trip Thurs.,Klezmer Band,math partnering,Monet

  • read Venn Diagram and X/Y segments on bar graphs. ..worked as group ,then partners..noisy,but productive noise heard in class
  • independent work in math journals
  • heard Klezmer Band after I located origins of some music on big world map,explained meaning of word"Klezmer"...from two hebrew words basically meaning "music (song) vessal or that which holds music....brief discussion...
  • children bringing home behavior contract for field trip.See Return to School section homework folder.
  • read stories: Library Lion,The Library,noted different art techniques,encouraged to write and illustrate own book.We'll do that on Friday,after field trip. Later,will read Inside and Outside the Library....wonderfully illustrated book of various libraries throughout the U.S.
  • Ms. Bella,the art teacher absent,great opportunity to show the children a video I own about Claude Monet. Hopefully, they will ask about seeing some of his work when we visit the McNay in Feb. Amazingly, they were enthralled and can't wait to see the last few minutes of this short video.
  • Cody's Children's Librarian coming tomorrow
  • Scholastic News and science this week discuss: characterisitics and adaptations of organisms...are finishing concept Seasons. Next week, will have final project...Dress For a Season...details in forthcoming Blog.
  • Wordly Wise vocabulary words asssessment tomorrow: desert,skeleton, prehistoric,stump, peak,wild, decay, temperature volccano, dusk.
  • Wordly Wise upcoming words for this week: thick,utensil, solid,separate,uneven.
  • Math Facts focus this week: doubles:(8+8,11+11).

What Can I Do?

  • Handwriting: names must be neatly written,capital letters go to the top of the line and touch the bottom.No sinkers,below the line. No floaters, above the line. Letters are close together without being touching.Lower case letters touch the top of the dotted line and the bottom of the blue line. (when homework ready to be handed in..ask to see Name and Date)Date neatly written on right side of page.
  • Never assume. Ask your child for your phone number,address,and important info.needed.Everyone appears to know parent first names and their full name.Some were unstable last week,some must still learn the info. Look in Agenda if it's needed.
  • Journal requirement for all is to write at least as many lines as one is old. Six years old,six lines etc. A plus is given if more written. Once some begin they can't stop. Great!
  • Punctuation important:capitals, periods,proper nouns,including "I".
  • when reading to your child or having listening. to your child read to you tonight (ahem)..after a page or the story, ask: Now tell me what you read?.What happened? Where were they? When? How do you know?
  • Attend to the sequence of the story or ask them to tell you about something that requires proper sequencing. Making challah,or making ones bed .Important is the concept of :Beginning,Middle ,End.
  • Write a letter to a relative or friend. Help organize ideas first with a thought web.What do I want to write about"topic (opening )sentence"? What are some details?
  • Write with paper and pencil.Computers at this stage aside from lack of fluidity in printing also do not provide the feedback that writing provided by the hand forming letters on the page. I'll send research on value of handwriting at this stage if one wishes.

A few parents have not yet handed in field trip permission slips. Please sign and return so taht we may have enough transportation. Wendy,Reese's Mom is arranging for drivers.