We are finishing the unit on the letter Gimmel .We did a thorough practice in class of the words that will be on the dictation test. I will send the tests on Monday for you to sign and return to me on Tuesday. I hope you all enjoy their Hebrew reading as I do . We are learning new vocabulary words with each letter and practicing their flashcards in the beginning of each class. The children are working on using these words to construct correct sentences in their Hebrew machberet ( notebook).
In Judaics we are completing the Fall Holidays unit and will be starting a unit on the Torah and parts of the Torah. We began the parashat hashavua (portion of the week) and studied the portions: Bereshit and Noach . We learned about the Brachah (blessing) that is said before reading from the Torah. We are continuing to learn tefillot (prayers) weekly and study about Shabbat every Friday.
Tefilla and parasha will be taught by Mrs. Charles who has taught in our school for many years.
Shabbat Shaolm to you all,
Mrs. Kboudi and Mrs. Charles.
4 years ago