Shalom, שלום
In Hebrew class we are finising the First book of Ariot ( 1 אריאות) , which contained the letters: Alef, Shin, Bet, Vet, Gimmel, Dallet, and Hay .
After our Dictation Test on the last letter, we will have a little chagiga (party) for completing the first book and the children will be receiving the next book ; Ariot 2 ( 2 אריאות ) .
In Judaics class, we are completing the unit on the Torah and how to dress the Torah. The children made beautiful Torot, all dressed up. We are working on a booklet that culminates the vocabulary and the parts of the Torah. The children heard the story of "Modeh Ani" and discussed the concept of being thankful for what we have.
On Fridays, we learn about the parasha (portion of the week) Vayera, which talks about Avraham's guests. We worked in our Shabbat book and did Tfillot with Mrs. Charles.
Shabbat Shalom to all of you,
Geveret Kboudi and Mrs. Charles
4 years ago