Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Columbus Day Regatta,addition facts with 4,leaf rubbings

  • made flag for Sailboat Regatta on Dishpan Lake
  • reviewed science: moving air is wind,wind has power to push our sailboat
  • completed ,with maps,stories of Columbus,brief reference to earlier visitors
  • Scholastic News topic Columbus
  • read math story,quoted A.Einstien." I'll give you the answer.You tell me how I got it".Children suprised to discover Einstien was Jewish...very brief discussion.
  • reviewed how to test if a sentence is an actual sentence Can you picture it? Can you say it in one breath?Does it sound right? Discussed varying sentences( not starting each one with "I").
  • continue to work on punctuation on abbreviation for dates.How do we make a comma? Remember the period if the word is abbreviated.
  • Reviewed and applied use of silent "e"..as in..hope vs.hop,win vs.wine...
  • did leaf rubbing,reviewing parts of the leaf...blade,veins,mid-line
  • reviewed distinctions between:living/none living...
  • read vocabualry words...discussing story about pertrified forest....why petrified trees not living...became very good at acting like petrified trees
  • read People and Places,discussing concept of history,travels of Columbus,Taino Indians


Police visit from S.A.F.E. Unit...will ask children for emergency safety information: full name,address,phone numbers of importance,where will meet as emergency meeting place,full name of major caregivers.


  • math min. and half quiz on math facts family of four
  • review emergency information
  • homework due
  • Upcoming Events
  • Tuesday--Children's Librarian from Cody...discuss upcoming library visit on Thurs.

What Can I Do?

  • review math facts
  • sign permission slip for field trip
  • review emergency safety information
  • note,while doing nightly oral reading(ahem) the silent /e/ that changes the meaning of the word.
  • use big tree poster...go hunting for fallen seeds in the neighborhood..matching them to seeds and trees in the poster.
  • We heard "Vivalids's Four Seasons today...find poems or music that relate to the seasons.