Sunday, October 31, 2010

spelling tests this Fri.,math h.w.focus on format

  • Spelling homework begins this quarter. Handwriting counts as separate grade.
  • pretest given before words introduced.
  • time will be spent learning what a margin is,how to number a paper,what to do when one runs out of paper but has more to write. Everyone has needs in this area.We're working on it and getting wiser.
  • math homework looks obvious but is a review of formatting....where to put the symbols,how to line up the problem vertically and horizontally,counting up instead of starting at one each time we want to add and are unfamiliar with the combination of addends.
  • We assembled collected weather data for Oct. Homework is to graph the results.Please, supervise,even have child touch lines to check if information has been filled in .
  • A primary goal of first grade is to work indepdently and know that I can depend on myself to find the answer within.Outside input is not always necessary. I can trust myself and my significant adult has enough faith in mean,also believes I have the answer so they let me do it myself.
  • Of course, you're there for redirection and cheering on when necessary.
  • Spelling tests will require the adult to dictate the words and superise checking or giving hints you find helpful...spacing,letter formation.
  • I'll leave the campaign posters in the hall until next week,if you happen to come by on Friday.Election day is tomorrow.
  • One child may be out of town. I asked for an absentee ballot to be cast(never miss a chance to teach about democracy and opportunity).
  • If(when?) we have a tie,I've lined up a judge to supervise our run-off election.
  • Once the Yam Candidate has been named and growth is observed we'll measure size of sprouts weekly in inches and centimeters,predict how much will be next based on gathered evidence.

How To Help Practice For the Spelling Test

  1. child numbers paper adding period
  2. child looks at you( so can reinforce sounds of letters visually,and you have complete attention)
  3. Say the word
  4. Follow with brief three or four word sentence
  5. repeat the word
  6. child says word(aural,oraly and motor reinforcement )
  7. child write the word...some need to say each letter as writes it
  8. repeats it.

It's important to write the words,though repeating them orally in the car is valuable. Initially,I 'll give a pretest on Thursday for them to discover that they need to practice. Eventually,that will be eliminated.They can do that at home.

The spelling pages from Hougton Miffilin require specific skills to be learned or kinds of questions often asked. Words are simple but frequently misspelling in journal or other writings. As single word in test,it's easy. My tests include a dictation sentence developing short term memory skills,and holding one idea in mind while recalling the spelling.Child add own sentence using spellng word. Eventually,more complex sentences,questions,quotations will be required.

My child's area of strength is not spelling.

A metal cookie sheet and magnetic and small helps.

Separate the consonants from the vowels..maybe in separate labeled plastic bags. Let child sorts. You just check.

You say the word. Child repeats word,touches letter, makes on metal sheet. Reinforce..may wish to then put onto "fridge to practice again but in different spatial position.

After done in magnets,write on paper.Support with saying letters before or as write.

As with other subjects,spelling will be leveled. More challenging words in addition to essential words from the Houghton Mifflin series will eventually be given to those who need a little push up to the next step. Everyone should be challenged and have the experience of working for success. The conquest of difficult material provides strength and courage to the conqueror. But difficult is individually defined. We must respect talents and challenges treating them appropriately.

Don't accept sloppy,hurried work. Handwriting,thoughtfulness counts.

Monday, October 25, 2010

math doubles +1,dress for season on Fri.,campaign poster

  • On Fri.we'll complete the unit on seasons.Weather data collection and interpreting is ongoing as we note U.S.A. Today weather maps each month,increase our graphing,note patterns and actually follow,via the weather map,the cycle of seasons.
  • Children will demonstrate their knowledge of a season,by dressing appropriately for the season on Friday morning. They will bring the change of clothes in a bag wearing the usual Shabbat uniform,until we pose for the season photos. Props may be brought. Let your child be the lead. Visit the closet,find pictures.Reasonable props may be brought along with seasonal clothing. Some have brought sunglasses for summer,a plastic flower for spring etc. Each child will be one season. We drew lots. See the Homework folder for details.
  • had a cumulative quiz for unit one in math journal. Assessment was based on competence in math skill. Reading challenges were attended to. Children did well. We'll do a fun prediction and charting task tomorrow then move onto the next unit .
  • Copying from the board is a necessary skill in first grade.Everyone is getting better. We'll complete chosen pages in our Handwriting book this week. Spelling begins the second quarter. In a future blog,I'll give you a list of things to be aware of when assessing handwriting: slant,spacing between words,where on the line,etc.
  • We're having an election on Nov. 2nd. We'll be voting on the name for out Yam. Children may design campaign posters. The list of candidates are in their Agendas. Remind them that they must write the candidates name on the poster. See the Keep at Home section on their Homework Folders.
  • worked on making a book about the library Field Trip. I'm getting less flack about requiring as many sentences as one's age.Only one "and"is allowed sentence.
  • Scholastic News discusses animal adaptations.
  • We'll read the history of The Statue of Liberty, it's origins,how it was made, the celebration etc.

What Can I Do?

  • Listen to your child read to you aloud to you tonight. Say: Tell me everything you remember. Focus on Beginning,Middle and End of story. What happened first? Where did it take place? What does the title of the story tell you about what you are about to read? Is there a topic sentence that tell you about what will be read? Consider reading non-fiction material as well as fiction.
  • Do math facts with flash cards. Focus on doubles,then doubles plus one, go back to addition facts of twos,threes,fours..
  • This Week
  • Review and assess science unit on interdependence of nature...plants,animals,us.
  • Thursday: Ms. Colleen,our school councelor,will visit and speak with us at 2:30
  • Thursday: We'll celebrate the anniversary of the unveiling of The Statue of Liberty.
  • Friday: Dress for the Season

Next Tues. Election day in class...Mon.they receive their Voter Registration Cards.If there's a tie,we'll have a run off election. We'll be reading about voting etc. in our Social Studies book .

Thursday, October 21, 2010

test grades count on tomorrow's quiz,pretest today

  • Please review doubles .We had a fifteen question math min.quiz on doubles including 11+11 and 12+12. As a pretest, today's answers do not count,but tomorrow's quiz and review quiz of mixed numbers using 1s,2s,3s, and 4s will be for a grade.
  • I've cut the questions down to 15 problems to get an accurate picture of knowledge as the children now have had enough time to get the feel of a timed test. Please practice tonight.
  • In the homework folders,you'll find a copy of today's test results. The problems circled in crayon are those not completed during the time given. The may be either weak or the ones completed took too long to answer leaving no time left to attack them.
  • Look at your child's paper. We're still working on how to take a test,which means not surveying all of the questions after the timer starts,but to begin right away. I did write a note on the page if that is the case and also spoke personally to your child in private. I'll remind the whole class and we'll practice starting right away. They were not just searching for the ones best known but just reviewing questions.
  • We will continue to review how to study for a test and how to take one as each issue arises and I note common problems.
  • Remember,they don't know how to number a paper for spelling yet. We're all learning.
  • As we approach the end of the quarter next week,I will be assessing handwriting.
  • Please remind your child that sloppy writing of name and dates unacceptable.. As we begin spelling homework,that should continue to be a reminder.
  • Upcoming Week(s)
  • We begin spelling homework and spelling tests in the second quarter.
  • Next week,we'll begin our election campaign for the Nov.2nd of the our two class candidates (both large Yams). As you go to vote,point out campaign posters and ads that they may choose to make for their candidate. Show them their voter registration cards.They'll be recieving theirs the day before election. If you are able to have them accompany you to the voting booth that would be great.
  • We'll also be completing our lessons on Seasons,next week. More info.on Mon.
  • We're excited about the field trip. As they get in the car to go home today and tell you about the trip(maybe),ask about the book read called Outside and Inside the Library.Have them tell you different kinds of libraries in the country or something about the book.
  • It's available at Cody.
  • Be well...keep in touch.

Hebrew and Judaics with Mrs. Kboudi

Shalom, שלום

In Hebrew class we are finising the First book of Ariot ( 1 אריאות) , which contained the letters: Alef, Shin, Bet, Vet, Gimmel, Dallet, and Hay .

After our Dictation Test on the last letter, we will have a little chagiga (party) for completing the first book and the children will be receiving the next book ; Ariot 2 ( 2 אריאות ) .

In Judaics class, we are completing the unit on the Torah and how to dress the Torah. The children made beautiful Torot, all dressed up. We are working on a booklet that culminates the vocabulary and the parts of the Torah. The children heard the story of "Modeh Ani" and discussed the concept of being thankful for what we have.

On Fridays, we learn about the parasha (portion of the week) Vayera, which talks about Avraham's guests. We worked in our Shabbat book and did Tfillot with Mrs. Charles.

Shabbat Shalom to all of you,

Geveret Kboudi and Mrs. Charles

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

field trip shirt tomorrow,booster chair,pretest math doubles

  • regular math lesson in the morning at 10:00. It's Thursday. pretest on doubles ,actual quiz Friday.
  • nearly everyone has difficulty quickly retrieving a previous number.What comes before 6?Check to see if your child goes forward and says 7 or simply takes long to count back. This must be automatic. We're learning some math tricks to pick up speed. 9+5=? Try seconds game.How long will it take you to get the right answer. 5 seconds,10 seconds? As they practice,show them how they've improved and are becoming A Master of Math Facts. Flash cards can be extremely useful for math facts. Use three facts cards. Two are quick and known. Keep shuffling the three cards,continuouly pulling up the weakest fact to reinforce it. Then mix it with other facts . The goal is entrenchment.
  • You'll thank me when they get to second grade multiplication.

Tomorrow's Trip... about an hour after lunch.

Wendy will be organizing drivers while your little ones are in class.

Dirvers will arrive about 15 to 30 min. earlier,with insurance cards and driver's license presented to office if driving. Children will be divided among drivers who will keep a count and watch over their little brood. I'll have them bathroomed and watered before we line up. Remember,no stopping on the way or back.

It's a ten to twelve min. ride,depending on traffic.

The children met the Children's Librarian,Ms. Sheila, they should be quite comfortable.

If you have a library card or your child has one,please bring it. If you'd like to get a card, bring something verifying your current address,plus a driver's license of something with picture I.D. up to date. A water bill ,phone bill , current yacht registration number ...not sure about the last part.

I've told the children they may check out books but NO d.v.d.s at this time. I really want to encourage reading. Please don't weaken. Be strong.

Thanks. See you tomorrow! If you can't come...don't worry,you should get some nice feedback and a smiley face. There will be pictures on our timeline wall and a book the children make after each trip. Be sure to browse through it at our next Parent Conference.

Listen to them read to you tonight. Do double practice in the car and while you wait for the green arrow on N.W. Military . Ask how many can you get right until you leave the car? Keep repeating the weakest.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

speech therapist Wed.,field trip..booster chair needed

  • enjoyed children's librarian,Ms. Sheila today
  • Speech Therapist coming tomorrow
  • field trip..if you have a booster seat,do send it on the day of the trip..with name somewhere on it. Thanks...remember later this school year we'll also be going to:McNay Art Museum for Art and geometry,Wittie Museum for Solids,Liquid,and Gas plus Animal Adaptations,Alon Market-the food pyramid...keep that booster seat handy
  • Friday-Min. math quiz- doubles
  • ask your child for emergency information tonight...address,phone no.,important numbers,parent first names.
  • listen to your child read
  • use flash cards for reading and/or math if sent home,suggested or works for you.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Field trip Thurs.,Klezmer Band,math partnering,Monet

  • read Venn Diagram and X/Y segments on bar graphs. ..worked as group ,then partners..noisy,but productive noise heard in class
  • independent work in math journals
  • heard Klezmer Band after I located origins of some music on big world map,explained meaning of word"Klezmer"...from two hebrew words basically meaning "music (song) vessal or that which holds music....brief discussion...
  • children bringing home behavior contract for field trip.See Return to School section homework folder.
  • read stories: Library Lion,The Library,noted different art techniques,encouraged to write and illustrate own book.We'll do that on Friday,after field trip. Later,will read Inside and Outside the Library....wonderfully illustrated book of various libraries throughout the U.S.
  • Ms. Bella,the art teacher absent,great opportunity to show the children a video I own about Claude Monet. Hopefully, they will ask about seeing some of his work when we visit the McNay in Feb. Amazingly, they were enthralled and can't wait to see the last few minutes of this short video.
  • Cody's Children's Librarian coming tomorrow
  • Scholastic News and science this week discuss: characterisitics and adaptations of organisms...are finishing concept Seasons. Next week, will have final project...Dress For a Season...details in forthcoming Blog.
  • Wordly Wise vocabulary words asssessment tomorrow: desert,skeleton, prehistoric,stump, peak,wild, decay, temperature volccano, dusk.
  • Wordly Wise upcoming words for this week: thick,utensil, solid,separate,uneven.
  • Math Facts focus this week: doubles:(8+8,11+11).

What Can I Do?

  • Handwriting: names must be neatly written,capital letters go to the top of the line and touch the bottom.No sinkers,below the line. No floaters, above the line. Letters are close together without being touching.Lower case letters touch the top of the dotted line and the bottom of the blue line. (when homework ready to be handed in..ask to see Name and Date)Date neatly written on right side of page.
  • Never assume. Ask your child for your phone number,address,and important info.needed.Everyone appears to know parent first names and their full name.Some were unstable last week,some must still learn the info. Look in Agenda if it's needed.
  • Journal requirement for all is to write at least as many lines as one is old. Six years old,six lines etc. A plus is given if more written. Once some begin they can't stop. Great!
  • Punctuation important:capitals, periods,proper nouns,including "I".
  • when reading to your child or having listening. to your child read to you tonight (ahem)..after a page or the story, ask: Now tell me what you read?.What happened? Where were they? When? How do you know?
  • Attend to the sequence of the story or ask them to tell you about something that requires proper sequencing. Making challah,or making ones bed .Important is the concept of :Beginning,Middle ,End.
  • Write a letter to a relative or friend. Help organize ideas first with a thought web.What do I want to write about"topic (opening )sentence"? What are some details?
  • Write with paper and pencil.Computers at this stage aside from lack of fluidity in printing also do not provide the feedback that writing provided by the hand forming letters on the page. I'll send research on value of handwriting at this stage if one wishes.

A few parents have not yet handed in field trip permission slips. Please sign and return so taht we may have enough transportation. Wendy,Reese's Mom is arranging for drivers.

From Mrs. Bass's Desk-Judaic

The Judaic class is doing great!! We are practicing Hebrew reading With the Kamatz Patach, and Tzereh nikud(vowels). It Tefilah, we are doing the following: Modeh Ani, Netilat Yadaim, Asher Yatzar, Reshit Chochmah, Torah Tzivah,(We are putting on the Talit Kattan and saying the blessing)Mah tovu, Adon Olam Yigdal, Laasok Bedivrei Torah,Eiloo Devarim and more. The students are learning to follow the Siddur and some of them are experts in doing so!!
I'm having such Nachas in looking at them Davening!! you are invited to come and observe them for yourselves.
Mrs. Bass

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

During October and November we will be preparing for our annual Thanksgiving Program. Save the date: November 23, 2010 @2:00.

Columbus Day Regatta,addition facts with 4,leaf rubbings

  • made flag for Sailboat Regatta on Dishpan Lake
  • reviewed science: moving air is wind,wind has power to push our sailboat
  • completed ,with maps,stories of Columbus,brief reference to earlier visitors
  • Scholastic News topic Columbus
  • read math story,quoted A.Einstien." I'll give you the answer.You tell me how I got it".Children suprised to discover Einstien was Jewish...very brief discussion.
  • reviewed how to test if a sentence is an actual sentence Can you picture it? Can you say it in one breath?Does it sound right? Discussed varying sentences( not starting each one with "I").
  • continue to work on punctuation on abbreviation for dates.How do we make a comma? Remember the period if the word is abbreviated.
  • Reviewed and applied use of silent "e" in..hope vs.hop,win
  • did leaf rubbing,reviewing parts of the leaf...blade,veins,mid-line
  • reviewed distinctions between:living/none living...
  • read vocabualry words...discussing story about pertrified forest....why petrified trees not living...became very good at acting like petrified trees
  • read People and Places,discussing concept of history,travels of Columbus,Taino Indians


Police visit from S.A.F.E. Unit...will ask children for emergency safety information: full name,address,phone numbers of importance,where will meet as emergency meeting place,full name of major caregivers.


  • math min. and half quiz on math facts family of four
  • review emergency information
  • homework due
  • Upcoming Events
  • Tuesday--Children's Librarian from Cody...discuss upcoming library visit on Thurs.

What Can I Do?

  • review math facts
  • sign permission slip for field trip
  • review emergency safety information
  • note,while doing nightly oral reading(ahem) the silent /e/ that changes the meaning of the word.
  • use big tree poster...go hunting for fallen seeds in the neighborhood..matching them to seeds and trees in the poster.
  • We heard "Vivalids's Four Seasons today...find poems or music that relate to the seasons.

Friday, October 8, 2010

From Mrs. Bass's Desk-Judaic

Dear First Grade Parents,

This week we worked on Reading Hebrew. I introduced the following nikud(Hebrew voules): kamatz and patach- Which make the AA sound and we started with Tzereh-which makes the eh sound.

I was hoping that It will be possible of me to start sending home Some reading homework with the students. This homework will not be graded by me. The purpose of the homework is to reinforce what we are learning in class. If you have any objections to this please let me know about it.

Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Geveret Kboudi's Hebrew and Judaics

We are finishing the unit on the letter Gimmel .We did a thorough practice in class of the words that will be on the dictation test. I will send the tests on Monday for you to sign and return to me on Tuesday. I hope you all enjoy their Hebrew reading as I do . We are learning new vocabulary words with each letter and practicing their flashcards in the beginning of each class. The children are working on using these words to construct correct sentences in their Hebrew machberet ( notebook).

In Judaics we are completing the Fall Holidays unit and will be starting a unit on the Torah and parts of the Torah. We began the parashat hashavua (portion of the week) and studied the portions: Bereshit and Noach . We learned about the Brachah (blessing) that is said before reading from the Torah. We are continuing to learn tefillot (prayers) weekly and study about Shabbat every Friday.

Tefilla and parasha will be taught by Mrs. Charles who has taught in our school for many years.

Shabbat Shaolm to you all,
Mrs. Kboudi and Mrs. Charles.

Mrs. Markson's Technology Class

First Graders reviewed Fire Safety rules using interactive web pages from

If you would like to try some of them with your child, here are the links (we did not view all of these pages in class):

Firefighter Links

Fire Safety with Sparky

Sparky's Wheel of Safety Games

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

fire safety major review today,Sept. weather graph,

  • Fire chief Chiam Farfel visited,called on children asking fire safety questionsLater he explained what qualified him to be a hand and rod puppet.

  • listened to stories about fire safety gear,various safety rescue vehicles including:airport,fire,E.M.S.,forest,and Command Center Trucks.

  • crawled on floor showing how we would exit burning building,discussed smoke rises,how to feel the door for heat...learned palm of hand more sensitive,use back of hand

  • translated weather datat collected during Sept.onto bar and pictographs
  • learned about a map Key or Legend...found it on two big class maps & on Sept.U.S.A. today weather map.

  • noted pattern of temp. going down,reading map key as guide found lowest and highest in U.S.A.

  • getting better at finding and making patterns in Math Journal

  • new words in Wordily Wise: desert, stump, bend,temperature,National Park,Forest Ranger

  • discussed job of forest ranger and Petrified Trees in that came to be.

  • importance of air for fire and for trees,living things

Naturalist scheduled to come this week...will continue discussion on trees, what makes a leaf green,its purpose,why does it change colors,what can red in a leaf signify, where do the creatures go in the winter.What role does the tree,its leaves and bark play in protecting the animals and bugs who rest during the upcoming winter.

  • Discussed natures interaction and interdependence with its creatures: big,small,plants,animals.

  • The firetruck came today.
  • If you come for Kabbalat Shabbat,do look at our Time Line,the history of the First Grade,Class of 2010-2011. This is a great way for the children to get a sense of History,before,between,after,beginning,middle, we got to this point.
  • Look for the Parent Permission Slip for our Field Trip to The Cody Library in a few weeks.
  • If you'd like to get your child their own library,you'll need to bring some identification. More details later. They will be allowed to check out books,but NO D.V.D.s this visit...sorry.
  • I Want To Participate. What Can I Do?

  • review math facts with flash cards using only ones,twos,threes. Make up games. How many can you get in 30 seconds? Can you do 5? How about 8? Everytime you get 10 correct in 30 seconds you may take one step forward toward the refrigerator which contains something you like.....or the box on the table which has a game/toy/whatever.
  • Have you child and you make up a game a game board...anyway to take the tedium out of memorizing math facts.
  • look for patterns in math,poems,around the house,in clothing....
  • review safety info. ...meeting place,phone numbers,full name,parents name,addresses, resource people and how to reach them.
  • listen to them read aloud to you.We discussed:gn,ti,si,ture,ing today. Point them out when you find those words.
  • skip count beginning mid stream...maybe at 15 ...count by 5s,10s,2s to a designated no. up to or beyond 100. Listen for errors at the decade mark.If numbers mastered,count by 3's then 4s...see how that will help with future math doubles(6+6,9+9).
  • count backward from 100.
  • retell what happened at order...First,second,third,...then,after that,finally in the end. Helps organize thoughts....good for story and expository writing.
  • Ask one thing they learned today that they didn't know before and that they think you won't know.
  • enjoy....they are such a delight.