Friday, August 27, 2010


  • while some children were having pictures taken those remaining in rm.worked in chosen Centers .Most popular:designing and writing a bk.,reading "365 Science Expeiments",rereading stories read in class
  • U.S. weather map from U.S.A. Today,discussed and displayed noted temp.around country..hightest,lowest..looked at globe noting effect of geography on temp.
  • throughout yr.each month,about this time,will follow cycle of seasons as it really happens.If you have newspaper,you may wish to find map and see what graders LOVE maps.
  • read first issue of weekly Scholastic News.keep at home
  • see folders,grader papers enclosed with form to sign and please return.These were assessment grades given. They have suggestions and give us a picture of where we need to begin to work....
  • gave librarian book on Jobs as Labor Day
  • discussed carreers we like to have when we grow up.A few were: Teacher...three applicants but one later changed it to Hall Monitor, three gymnasts, a ballerina, player and one Lion Tamer..I guess the country is safe.
  • next week social studies discusses Labor Day...Mon. Mr.Terry,custodian
  • Tues. school councelor,Thur.-Pres. of Federation, Fri.-Mrs. Oakes.
  • We did so much more in class...ask about The story we read, the pop- up alphabet,Wordly Wise and touching our nose each time we heard a familiar vocabulary word
  • Have a restful Shabbat, walk,talk...but mostly listen...and don't forget to read.

Be well...