Friday, August 20, 2010

Lots of things happening in First Grade...

  • Reminder: Lunchtime is later than Kindergarten.Please,include a sizable recess snack,even if hot lunch is ordered.
Thursday's Highlights:

  • math count using manipulatives(sticks),numbers in correct place value slot,counting coin vlaue to track
  • read simple math story problem,required to "show your work." Steps your brain used to get the answer.
  • noted and posted birthdays,writing this month's on personal calendars
  • N.O.A.A.Weather Radio,collected data on day's current temp. and atmospheric conditions.New voc. word: precipitation
  • noted parts and whole...if one part missing,the object may not work.All parts interdependent(removed battery from radio,piece missing,won't work,why?)
  • assessed letter formation and knowledge of lower case letter( reversals are normal ). We'll work on self awareness and self correction beginnning next week.
  • read"Morris the Moose Goes to School" Morris sat politely on my lap as I read.
  • reviewed author,characters. new vocab.word: Plot
  • played with homonyms in story,predicted,read messages relayed by pictures,several copies of books and complete series on reading shelves to enjoy at leisure.
  • free write in journals,with reminder of where to put date,drawing relates to journal content
  • phonogram cards (letter sounds) ,reviewed digraph sound of "th",assisted in confusion of body part the "fum"is actually pronounced and spelled "thumb."
  • signed in,making bar graph for attendance. Today's question same as yesterday.Yesterday,some children felt scared,some excited. Today,none scared ,just excited,sleepy or both,discussed how one could have more than one feeling at a time
  • science safety,nose can give sense clue that teacher may have just wiped the board with rubbing alchol,put in drawer out of sight as safety precaution,saw flashlight,siren,flashing light on emergency weather radio,be prepared for unexpected events,
  • viewed brief video-science safety and experiement, reasons for results. Video correlates with book found on science table. Discussed sometimes enjoy something so much want to hear story again,read book by same author again,see video again. All agreed wanted view this one again.
  • .

Friday highlights

  • daily math routine,listening and pulling out info.we choose to retrieve only by listening,collecting and comparing weather data,comparing temperature,higher/lower/the same. How much difference between them and why? Look for any discernable pattern as month continues.
  • discuss and apply Derech Eretz principle s"Yes,please", "No,thank you",in more concrete ways than in Thurs.classroom game.
  • receive handwriting book,browse, note correct way to sit,hold paper down,begin letter formation.

What Can I Do?

.encourage and model"Yes,please"."No,thank you".

  • during 10 min. nightly oral reading(they read to you,the other way doesn't count),note "th"sounds,identify on display boards,advertisements,oral language. Guess at how the rest of the word might be spelled. notice how can be in intial,median or end of word.
  • read story to child,predict what might happen next ,reasoning for prediction,name main and minor characters, plot ( what happened)
  • walk quietly together.,listen to :many sounds in nature,what was it,why do you think,where in space is sound wave coming from?
  • remember to keep in touch with me.