Monday, August 23, 2010

homework due on Fri,can be handed in earlier.

Brief Overview of Today's Happenings
  • reviewed skip counting by 5s,10s 2s
  • read math story problem,showed how we solved it
  • remembered to use correct units in our work..when we wrote the temperature we added the degree sign and said the answer was 9 boys in our math story
  • listened toa N.O.A.A. weather radio that was using solar power.We looked at the solar panel.
  • worked on reading our calendars.
  • listened to a story about a little mouse who worried. We talked about some of us being worried about going to First Grade on the first day. It's good to find that sometimes other people worry about the same things.
  • did a sample of the glyph we're doing for math homework.
  • made a cut and paste chart of some things we think we can do well and some not so well.
  • most of us think we do well in lots of things from cooking to listening to music and enjoying a story.
  • tomorrow we've had a request for another game of Monster Mash in math
  • we'll practice writing some numbers,get our handwriting books and write in our journal
  • we'll be introduced to a book about a character named Fluffy,who is all id. .
  • music tomorrow.
  • What Can I Do If I'd Like to Extend the Lessons ?

  • pour out some nickels on the table.The child guesses how much money in all,after telling you how much each nickel is worth. Then your child touches each coin,moves it over and counts out loud. See if the guess was right. Too much? Too little.
  • do the same with pennies,two at a time.Dimes first.Tens are easier than counting by twos.
  • If your child learns better by movement, try marching in place as they skip count,or take giant steps,or creative,get a rhythm going. Sing the numbers.
  • don't always begin at the beginning..count from 15 to 115, or 20 to 190.
  • remember...Your child counts!...double entendre intended.
  • listen to child read aloud for ten min. nightly. If you need a more difficult or easier book,talk with me.

see you tomorrow night....and remember to keep in touch.