Monday, August 30, 2010

job interview,thermometer search,counting by 2s

  • continued with gathering data from N.O.A.A. on temp. and atmospheric conditions(cloudy today and 80 degrees). Tomorrow,end of the month we'll organize the data,using a bar graph,and pictograph,temperature range and season. We'll collect this data each month and watch the cycle.
  • counted by 2s. Gave a cheer using 2's...with body movements. Ask about it. "zero.2,4,6,8,who do we appreciate? First Grade,First Grade...YEA!" applied use of skip counting knowledge as read large thermometer and one we drew on the board which they colored up to the temperature.
  • read from our Social Studies book"People and Places",discussed holidays,identified National Holidays and customs based on pictures in book,focused on Labor Day
  • identified jobs of Community Workers on big poster and flannel board,where matched tools to job
  • Mr. Terry,school custodian,who describes his job as "technician",discussed what he did,showing us two kinds of thermometers,including the ever amazing"Temperature Gun".We each pointed the little red light to one of the vents in the room and read the temperature. It changed as we moved the gun....guess air must have different temperature in different places.hmmmmm.
  • briefly looked at a big new science book....If we're going to see bugs all around,might as well know something about them ... looked at four different kinds of crickets.
  • due Friday or earlier if they choose
  • MATH/SCIENCE: thermometer search...many are convinced there are no thermometers in the house except the one in the living room where we can make the house "hotter or colder". Don't tell them...let them discover! Open the 'fridge,the oven,..find the thermometer,find the one in the car,the one they use when somebody is sick, garden.....
  • SOCIAL STUDIES: You or someone child knows,will be interviewed about their job.You may need to write the responses for some of the slow,slow writers(only if you can see that they're getting stressed,intervene).One childr wanted to interview her baby-sitter. Typically, there were several in class who didn't know what their parent did,or could state the job title but didn't know what it entailed. Feel free to make copies of the little book if your child would like to interview more..remember grandparents,uncles,aunts are candidates. ..grandma' or gramps would be thrilled with a long distance interview..retired people count. Have fun!
  • Upcoming Events
  • Tuesday--tomorrow,school councelor guest speaker,describes job,etc.
  • Thursday--Head of Federation..they love to look at the big map of the world and see all of the things we do around the world
  • Friday--Mrs. Oakes,what does a principal do...I found some great stickers for her to hand out.

Remember to listen to your child read to you tonight and mark it down in the reading section of The Agenda.It's the last flag.

If you did not look at the returned work from last week,please review and sign the sheet that let's me know you've had a chance to review it. Thanks....some children need to complete last week's homework.

REMINDER: Keep in touch if you have any questions, or feel there's something that you would like me to know. We're both on the same your child be the best that she or he can be...tap into the gifts,develop them,share them with the world.