Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The first day in First Grade...

We were very busy.
  • read a pop-up book about Bugs in School...learned two new words:manual (as in manual

pencil sharpener and manually turning the Weather Radio crank to make it give us the weather)and Paper-engineering (as in the process used in pop-up books).

  • discussed concept of parts and whole...without the battery,plug or energy the radio or pencil sharpener will not do it's job.
  • We can be sources of energy.

  • dated our new calendars,filled in all of August,posted todays temperature and atmospheric conditions.
  • toured the room,learning about each center
  • rules for polite bathroom behavior, ..knock before trying the door.
  • put our school supply boxes together for both Hebrew and English
  • established a Supply Bank with our reserves in the back of the room
  • reviewed some information in the Parent/Student handbook,found in the backpack.
  • established the rule that the Agenda with your child's name,is to be taken to all classes,taken home and returned daily (not taken to lunch or P.E.)
  • went to P.E. today
  • made a sun visor to protect our eyes from the sun
  • some children volunteered for a few vital jobs:door holder,recess door holder, gym door holder, end-line leader,greeter, etc. More jobs will be given as the week progresses.
  • reviewed parts of Agenda. No homework tonight, just reading.Remember to mark it in the Reading section of the Agenda.
  • Please return summer homework.
  • ate in the lunchroom. Remember,Wed. is ice cream for $1.00 as eighth grade fundraiser
  • estimated (predicted) how many teeth would be lost by the entire class by June
  • added up number of teeth currently loose in First Grade population
  • revised our predictions of:100 lost,3,5 and 12....will return to estimate in Jan. to see if based on current loss data collected,estimate needs further revision.

See backpack for Parent/Student Handbook.


  • begin count of Days in school,use coin count of day
  • wonderful,brief video of science experiments which correlate with those seen in a science book on our science table.
  • Summary: It was a busy day.We all did well.
  • Please keep in touch.