- practice spelling words tonight.Test tomorrow. Use magnets on a cookie sheet or the 'fridge or both to practice if spelling needs reinforcement.
- remember to have your child look at you.It's important to write the words.Reciting them in the car is fine repetition but writing gives the information to the muscles,the mouth as they "self speak"the letters,and the eyes as they say them.
- I ask them to make a up a sentence using the word then underline the word. To raise the anti have them make a poem or rhyme using the words.Write a story or sentence using as many of this week's words as possible.
- handwriting counts. If it's done to be done and not to be right,turn the eraser side to the paper and have your child fix it.
- Letters should touch the top and bottom of the line or half way up if it's lower case.
- Count inappropriate capitals as an error. We should be appropriate at all times.
- Be well. Tomorrow's Minute math quiz counts as a grade
- Ask your child to tell you something about the history of Veteran's Day.
- They each received paper dolls of soldiers with direction to follow using only
- the correct color of uniform for each branch.They must follow the directions(read and process). No pink ,purple or tricolored uniforms are allowed . If your child chooses to do the project,they may attach a straw and have a rod puppet.
- As with our current military,this is a strictly voluntary activity. No one is required to participate. It's merely an extension of the lesson.
- You MAY want to make serveral copies of the uniform page as some very fine motor skills are required for the hats. It might be pleasant to do this together.
- Discuss members of the family and friends who have served our country .
- Thanks.Keep in touch.
4 years ago