Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Letter grades =number grades...You may want to know

74-70=N(needs improvement)
69 and below U (unsatisfactory)
The letter grade is entered into SOINS.
  • You will see the number grade or percent on the paper that is returned. See today's Keep At Home section in the Homework Folder.
  • The primary things I'm looking for in Homework is: is it complete (if not,I hand it back to the child in class,immediately on Fridays when homework is checked,and the child completes it in class.),and is it handed in on time.
  • It is understood that parent's often help children with the homework. We're using the exercise to establish a pattern for future grades and homework from our actual jobs as well as develop the habit of turning in work on time.The work itself is merely to reinforce what has been taught in class. All homework is always reviewed in class before it is sent home.
  • Children are encouraged to ask questions before homework is due if something is not understood. I encourage parents to remind the child to ask in class,as we currently happens. The children are told "if you have a question or don't understand something,often some of your classmates may have the same problem".So,speak up. You're helping your friend. The Torah reminds student to ask questions. It's the teacher''s job to explain and answer until it is understood.
I take that job very seriously.
Be well and keep in touch.
Upcoming Events
Thursday we'll discuss Veteran's Day.
I'll be the one dressed in Military Camaflogue.They'll hear the story of how Armistice Day came to be in history. If you have a relative that was in the military please tell you child about him or her.Even write something,send a photo,etc.
They will be required to name the five branches of the military and work on a little booklet.
Thanks for your help.