Sunday, November 14, 2010

This Blog is No Longer Active

We are no longer using the blogs. All parents should log into SOIN. Information was sent home with report cards. If you have misplaced your information, or need help please contact the EKA office.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Please check SOIN messages from now on...

  • practice spelling words and remember we add National Spelling Bee Words for First Grade to each list.
  • find the list in the far right hand side of the page.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Math Min.quiz,spelling test ,homework tomorrow

  • practice spelling words tonight.Test tomorrow. Use magnets on a cookie sheet or the 'fridge or both to practice if spelling needs reinforcement.
  • remember to have your child look at you.It's important to write the words.Reciting them in the car is fine repetition but writing gives the information to the muscles,the mouth as they "self speak"the letters,and the eyes as they say them.
  • I ask them to make a up a sentence using the word then underline the word. To raise the anti have them make a poem or rhyme using the words.Write a story or sentence using as many of this week's words as possible.
  • handwriting counts. If it's done to be done and not to be right,turn the eraser side to the paper and have your child fix it.
  • Letters should touch the top and bottom of the line or half way up if it's lower case.
  • Count inappropriate capitals as an error. We should be appropriate at all times.
  • Be well. Tomorrow's Minute math quiz counts as a grade
  • Ask your child to tell you something about the history of Veteran's Day.
  • They each received paper dolls of soldiers with direction to follow using only
  • the correct color of uniform for each branch.They must follow the directions(read and process). No pink ,purple or tricolored uniforms are allowed . If your child chooses to do the project,they may attach a straw and have a rod puppet.
  • As with our current military,this is a strictly voluntary activity. No one is required to participate. It's merely an extension of the lesson.
  • You MAY want to make serveral copies of the uniform page as some very fine motor skills are required for the hats. It might be pleasant to do this together.
  • Discuss members of the family and friends who have served our country .
  • Thanks.Keep in touch.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Letter grades =number grades...You may want to know

74-70=N(needs improvement)
69 and below U (unsatisfactory)
The letter grade is entered into SOINS.
  • You will see the number grade or percent on the paper that is returned. See today's Keep At Home section in the Homework Folder.
  • The primary things I'm looking for in Homework is: is it complete (if not,I hand it back to the child in class,immediately on Fridays when homework is checked,and the child completes it in class.),and is it handed in on time.
  • It is understood that parent's often help children with the homework. We're using the exercise to establish a pattern for future grades and homework from our actual jobs as well as develop the habit of turning in work on time.The work itself is merely to reinforce what has been taught in class. All homework is always reviewed in class before it is sent home.
  • Children are encouraged to ask questions before homework is due if something is not understood. I encourage parents to remind the child to ask in class,as we currently happens. The children are told "if you have a question or don't understand something,often some of your classmates may have the same problem".So,speak up. You're helping your friend. The Torah reminds student to ask questions. It's the teacher''s job to explain and answer until it is understood.
I take that job very seriously.
Be well and keep in touch.
Upcoming Events
Thursday we'll discuss Veteran's Day.
I'll be the one dressed in Military Camaflogue.They'll hear the story of how Armistice Day came to be in history. If you have a relative that was in the military please tell you child about him or her.Even write something,send a photo,etc.
They will be required to name the five branches of the military and work on a little booklet.
Thanks for your help.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

spelling list for Nov.8-12

The spelling words will include those from the Houghton-Mifflin Speller plus words from those listed for The First Grade National Spelling Bee. Last week's most frequently missed word will usually appear on the list as well. You'll recognize it.

  1. us
  2. fun
  3. bus
  4. sun
  5. but
  6. run
  7. are
  8. one
  9. there
  10. den
  11. now
  12. ace
  13. mug
  14. bell
  15. here

A copy of the list is often pasted into the far right side of their weekly Agenda.

Math Minute quizzes are given daily. We cirle the ones we missed in crayon to learn those facts as homework for the next day. Often,it's the same one fact repeated throughout the quiz.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Oz wins runoff ,spelling pretest Thurs.& Math Min.

  • spelling pretest given just this week,so children experience quiz,(grade not counted).
  • remind them that they have a spiral notebook.That's where we'll keep our spelling.
  • Math min.will be administered daily. Grade taken on test given last day of that school week.
  • run off election today,between the two candidates that tied: Rock and Roll Potato &Ox
  • We had two additional election judges to asure honesty in the count. Thank You Mandelbergs.
  • The winner by two tally marks was Oz. One vote was disqualifies because it wasn't correctly filled out. One cannot vote for all of the candidates.
  • As soon as the buds begin to appear at a level at which we can measure them,we follow the growth.
  • We're working on our Invention Convention presentation. We discussed things we'd like to invent that would make our school life easier (within reason).
  • Reading about inventors and clever enteprenuers in People and Places,plus a book: Children's Inventions.

What Can I Do ?

  • Listen to nightly read aloud.Ask about what was read? Who was the main character? Who else? What happened in the story first,next, after that,finally in the end,etc? Tell beginning ,middle,end. How did child feel about the story? What could be another ending? If the story continued,based on information ,what else could happen to the main character and why was that decision made?
  • Reading to your child is valuable(aside from great cuddling),it helps develop vocabulary,expands information from books too difficult or complex for now. Read folklore,find the country on a map,compare with where we are,discuss how life if different or times. Find photos (unless you're doing the Roman Empire,photos are sparse from that period).
  • Check today's weather on the news or in the paper. How much cooler was it today than yesterday. Ask them to make a number line to prove it(see homework for number line reference).
  • see how many number facts can be correctly answered until the stop light changes. If you wait in front of our school, a lot a problems can be covered.
  • ask how many new thing were learned in school today.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

spelling tests this Fri.,math h.w.focus on format

  • Spelling homework begins this quarter. Handwriting counts as separate grade.
  • pretest given before words introduced.
  • time will be spent learning what a margin is,how to number a paper,what to do when one runs out of paper but has more to write. Everyone has needs in this area.We're working on it and getting wiser.
  • math homework looks obvious but is a review of formatting....where to put the symbols,how to line up the problem vertically and horizontally,counting up instead of starting at one each time we want to add and are unfamiliar with the combination of addends.
  • We assembled collected weather data for Oct. Homework is to graph the results.Please, supervise,even have child touch lines to check if information has been filled in .
  • A primary goal of first grade is to work indepdently and know that I can depend on myself to find the answer within.Outside input is not always necessary. I can trust myself and my significant adult has enough faith in mean,also believes I have the answer so they let me do it myself.
  • Of course, you're there for redirection and cheering on when necessary.
  • Spelling tests will require the adult to dictate the words and superise checking or giving hints you find helpful...spacing,letter formation.
  • I'll leave the campaign posters in the hall until next week,if you happen to come by on Friday.Election day is tomorrow.
  • One child may be out of town. I asked for an absentee ballot to be cast(never miss a chance to teach about democracy and opportunity).
  • If(when?) we have a tie,I've lined up a judge to supervise our run-off election.
  • Once the Yam Candidate has been named and growth is observed we'll measure size of sprouts weekly in inches and centimeters,predict how much will be next based on gathered evidence.

How To Help Practice For the Spelling Test

  1. child numbers paper adding period
  2. child looks at you( so can reinforce sounds of letters visually,and you have complete attention)
  3. Say the word
  4. Follow with brief three or four word sentence
  5. repeat the word
  6. child says word(aural,oraly and motor reinforcement )
  7. child write the word...some need to say each letter as writes it
  8. repeats it.

It's important to write the words,though repeating them orally in the car is valuable. Initially,I 'll give a pretest on Thursday for them to discover that they need to practice. Eventually,that will be eliminated.They can do that at home.

The spelling pages from Hougton Miffilin require specific skills to be learned or kinds of questions often asked. Words are simple but frequently misspelling in journal or other writings. As single word in test,it's easy. My tests include a dictation sentence developing short term memory skills,and holding one idea in mind while recalling the spelling.Child add own sentence using spellng word. Eventually,more complex sentences,questions,quotations will be required.

My child's area of strength is not spelling.

A metal cookie sheet and magnetic and small helps.

Separate the consonants from the vowels..maybe in separate labeled plastic bags. Let child sorts. You just check.

You say the word. Child repeats word,touches letter, makes on metal sheet. Reinforce..may wish to then put onto "fridge to practice again but in different spatial position.

After done in magnets,write on paper.Support with saying letters before or as write.

As with other subjects,spelling will be leveled. More challenging words in addition to essential words from the Houghton Mifflin series will eventually be given to those who need a little push up to the next step. Everyone should be challenged and have the experience of working for success. The conquest of difficult material provides strength and courage to the conqueror. But difficult is individually defined. We must respect talents and challenges treating them appropriately.

Don't accept sloppy,hurried work. Handwriting,thoughtfulness counts.